Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting close...

Alright I am 35 weeks today. This belly and baby are growing rapidly and it shows. No more hiding the bump or walking fast. I definitely have a big ol' belly and walking has turned to bumbling and waddling.

The nursery is essentially done, I need to put the mattress in the bed, and the sheets on the mattress, but that I can handle.

Now it is time to pack the hospital bag and get ready. I have my bag started but definitely not ready yet and have also started the diaper bag, again not sure what all I need but I am working on it. This is going to be one big adventure and we will see how it goes. I do know, that I am super excited and cannot wait for my little bundle of joy to be here.

We have also decided on altering the spelling of his name he will be Jovani Eduardo and will be able to go by Jo or joey :D

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cloth and such

Today, I finally purchased my first cloth diaper. It is a Rump-a-rooz one size and is super adorable. I think that my little munchkin will look adorable in it. I got the gumball design.

What do you think? Isn't it adorable? Now what diaper should I get next? I have no idea.

Also I have gotten a great lute of goodies from my family in Germany.
  • knitted socks
  • knitted hat
  • onesies in various styles and colors
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Germany
  • a wooden caterpillar toy
  • two plush elephant toys
  • some drool cloths
  • a shirt for mom
  • a dress for mom
  • and some cute matching baby outfits in various sizes
my little one will be anything from a monkey, to a tiger, to an underwater earthling, and of course his delivery time by stork is 9 months. I will post pics of some of these items later on.

But for now, I hope every one has a safe and blessed 4th of July.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Belly pics

Here are a couple of belly shots for you people.
I am now 28 weeks and entering the third trimester. On Tuesday I have the 28 week appointment and will get more info from there. How many of you are as excited as I am?

Giovanni has developed quite a kick by now and loves his exercise in mommy's tummy. Well I will update you with more once I know more. :D

Monday, June 20, 2011


We are excited to announce that we have picked a name for our son. He is going to be Giovanni Eduardo. He is a super active child already and hasn't even come out of the womb. He does like to do the bladder dance. Mommy's bladder seems to be a great trampoline. He also enjoys to play with his daddy. DH will poke the belly and Giovanni will kick back.

I am also taking my birthing class already and am really enjoying them. I have learned a lot about breathing and birthing and am just excited to have our son with us soon.

We have decided on a sea creature/water theme the room is going to be blues and greens ocean and water. He will also receive a homemade mobile from me of water creatures. My Mom has made a blanket for him and Dad is working on a blanket too. I have also had other family members make socks and other items for our son.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The boy

I have an appointment today to let me know about the last Ultrasound. I have had one about 2 weeks ago. We got to see him swallow and I got a really cute picture of him. He is indeed so super adorable. I can't wait to meet him in person.
Isn't he super adorable?

Saturday, May 14, 2011


This is the time to go ahead and list my registries.
I have three they are as follows
Some important information that you will need to know about us. We are having a boy. We prefer neutral colors and are looking for a sea creature theme (any water animal). I also want to use Cloth Diapers rather than disposables. We enjoy anything eco friendly, natural and organic. I also love cute and crazy prints.

Now an update about the Munchkin.
He has been quite interesting and active. I believe he has his daddy's legs and is moving quite a bit in here. The other day my DH was able to finally feel him kick and was super excited. We have purchased our first baby book. "Good Night Moon".
I will also probably be crocheting him a sea creature mobile to go in the room so he has something to look at. My parents have gotten him a crib and changing table and my MIL will be getting his car seat.

Oh how exciting all this is.

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's a...

Last week we finally had the anatomy ultrasound. About two to three hours before we had to go I was just chugging water, trying to get my bladder as full as possible and go potty after (it failed, I had to go a lot). Once we got to the appointment the waiting game began, we had to wait to get in and then as the tech was doing the ultrasound, the baby was not cooperating.

It was all curled up and even just taking the basic measurements was hard. The tech then told me that I had to go potty again, but not let everything out. When I got back to the room, she was able to get measurements and stumbled across the gender. DH and I were excited to find out what the baby is and the tech then informed us that it is a boy!

So to all who do not know yet, we are having a boy!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Recent Dr. Appointment

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I was able to hear my munchkin's heartrate again. The heart is still beating between 170 and 175 beats per minute. I can also feel the grwoing pains in my hips an sides. This baby must be growing pretty fast. I am starting to develop a little bump. I will post a photo soon. Near the end of April I will go to my big Ultrasound appointment and I will hopefully know then what gender my precious little one will be. After that I will be able to finally go shopping and post the registries. I am super excited and am glad to be able to share my journey here with you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hoot hoot!

This is the Owl Picture I painted for the Nursery. I painted it at Swirlz art, which is a local place where one goes to paint and have fun. I really love the Owl and am thinking that it will probably be a guide in what theme we end up choosing.

Friday, March 25, 2011


I have not had a chance to update you all sooner, but I have just been really busy with school and student teaching.

About a month ago I had my last Appointment and I got to hear my munchkin's heartrate he/she was just pumping away at 175 beats per minute. I have my next appointment next week and can't wait.

Now what else am I doing?
I am trying to be healthy and eat well. I do, however, have chocolate and sweets (probably more than I should) but I am trying to cut back. I am also trying to have a good time with this pregnancy. I am now in week 15 and am working on starting to show. My belly is definetly starting to pop out and can't just be sucked in any more. ;) I am excited because now people can actually see it.

I recently painted an owl painting for the baby's room, but have not gotten any further on decorating ideas. My mom knitted an amazing blanket and some of my dear friends gave me some great gifts. I will add some pictures later.

For now all the best,
Until next time.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

11 Weeks and going strong...

I am now about 11 weeks along and am ready to be done the first trimester. The nausea and the headaches are getting annoying but it could be worse. I had another Ultrasound this week and got to see the little one doing Gymnastics or Zumba in my Tummy. The heart beat was 175. On Thursday i went to my doctor and got to hear the heartbeat. My little worm is doing good so far and I am doing great.
Here is the Ultrasound. The little one has a face and arms, legs and all body part it is so very adorable.

I have been taking Prenavite and alsotrying to eat healthier. I have some fruits and veggies everyday. I also love yoghurt and a Pretzl roll with Goober. The other day I had eaten about 6 donuts. I love Krispy Kremes they are my favorites.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The news...

I am pregnant. As of this week we can put me at about 9 weeks. :D I found out that I was pregnant about 4 -5 weeks ago. I went to Urgent Care thinking I had a bladder infection, and when they checked the Urin it came back Pregnant. This was news to me, a surprise because my husband and I had not been trying or planning. At this point I called my mom and told her. I decided that before I would tell my husband I needed to have it double checked and went to my primary care physician. She confirmed for me that I indeed am pregnant.

After telling my husband, I have my first prenatal visit scheduled and a week later I am at the OBGYN. Initially I just talk to the nurse. The following I get to come back and get my first Ultrasound. Yay!!! there is a baby, a very small one, but it is there.

I will try from now on to keep you guys posted on a regular basis.